Foundations Church Williamsburg
Foundations Church exists to Know Christ and Make Him Known by being an authentic Community of faith that demonstrates Compassion for the lost and Conviction for God’s Word. Planted in 2018 by Michael and Bonni Hines Foundations Church reflects their heart to raise up leaders who can hear the voice of God, minister to the broken and teach the Bible faithfully. Michael and Bonni spent much of the past 17 years serving the ministry of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem teaching pastors and ministering in churches both in Israel, the US and around the world. They have four Jerusalem-born teenagers and live in Williamsburg, VA.
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
In the first week of our Advent Series, Pastor Michael explains how God interrupts our worship, our plans, and our nights through the lives of Zechariah, Mary, and the Shepherds in Luke 1 and 2. His Call is costly yet His Glory is awesome; so, what are you expecting this season of preparation- a King or a Lamb?
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Jeff Wapner takes a look at the call of the young prophet Jeremiah and the excuses he gives in response: the demands of the task, his own lack of talent, the timing of the call and the danger of the message. But each excuse is met with a direct promise from God...
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
We live in a culture that teaches us that we should simply 'follow our dreams' - so when we come to Genesis 37, it is hard for us to interpret the significance of Joseph's dreams. As we conclude our series in the book of Genesis, Pastor Michael examines the 'devastation in the dream' - that brings Joseph into exile, slavery and imprisonment; the 'purpose in the pain' as God raises him to power in Egypt - and ultimately the identity of the 'deliverer in disguise' - the Son of Joseph who finally fulfills his teenage dream...
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Having tricked his brother Esau and deceived his father, Jacob - the youngest of Isaac's twin sons - receives the coveted 'blessing' of the firstborn. It's a decision that forces him to flee for his life to escape his brother's fury. But after two decades in exile God finally calls Jacob home. Genesis 32 opens with the news that Esau is coming to meet Jacob with an army of 400 men. But Jacob's battle was never with Esau - it has always been with someone else...
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
The God of Abraham is revealed by his call to go, to leave, to believe. But the God of Isaac is the God who calls us to stay, to wait, to trust. Isaac is the son of promise, the son of submission and the son of sacrifice. And his life points to that of Jesus who, like Isaac, willingly laid down his will, laid aside his rights and offered up his life as a 'living sacrifice' (Rom. 12:1)...
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Genesis 12 marks the turning point of biblical history. The Lord finds a man, one solitary man, who is willing to leave behind everything he knows to pursue a God he cannot see. This is why Abraham is called the 'Father of Faith' because he answers the call to go, the call to multiply and the call to covenant...
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
After the flood comes a time when the people of the world found themselves in one place, with one language and one purpose - to "make a name" for themselves. This is the founding of Babylon - a city that throughout scripture becomes synonymous with the pride of man's heart - a pride that God punishes by confusing the languages of man. And yet, after the resurrection we see another glimpse of the people of God, in one place, with one purpose experiencing the powerful impartation of the "gift" of other tongues in Acts 2. In this message Pastor Michael explains that you can't understand the Day of Pentecost without first getting to grips with Genesis 11...
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Man's descent into depravity cannot go unchecked forever. As Genesis 6 opens, God looks down and sees the wickedness not just of man's actions, but of the "thoughts of his heart" and determines to judge the earth. But in the midst of the total destruction brought by the Flood, God provides a way of deliverance for Noah and his family, and makes a covenant with him which points to a greater deliverance to come...
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Throughout history, no matter how dark the days on earth, God has always preserved for Himself a righteous remnant - those willing to honor and serve Him irrespective of the cost. Such is the line of Seth in Genesis 5 - when despite the expansion of wickedness men "began to call on the name of the Lord" - men like Seth, Enoch and Noah...
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
In 1871 Charles Darwin penned the celebrated sequel to his infamous work on evolution entitled, 'The Descent of Man' - an apt title for the unfolding narrative of Genesis 3-4 as sin takes root in the heart of Adam and Eve and produces destruction in the lives of all that follow after them. From the first moment that our forebears ate of the forbidden tree, they heard the voice of God, hid from the presence of God, and began to hate those made in the image of God...